J. Jeff Chambliss, ESQ.
2017 – Current
The Law Offices of J. Jeff Chambliss Criminal Defense
In private practice, I have tried three life top cases to jury verdict in Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties.
I have successfully handled to resolution dozens of felonies and misdemeanors in Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties including child molest, rape, assault, domestic violence, DUI, theft and fraud.
1990 – 2017
Santa Barbara County Public Defender
Position: Chief Trial Deputy
2016 – 2017
On February 29, 2016 I was transferred to run our Santa Maria Office where in addition to handling the arraignment calendar, I supervised 15 attorneys and help supervise the support staff. Since my transfer, three attorneys resigned and three retired. Iactively managed an office in transition. I interviewed and hired five new extra help attorneys and transferred an attorney from Lompoc. Among other duties, I assigned cases, consulted on trial strategy, approved vacation and expert requests, mentored young attorneys and ensured that all calendars are covered daily. The transfer allowed me to compare caseloads, review County wide Office staffing priorities and engage in an analysis of unifying the Office. I represented the Department and participated in numerous county wide working groups and committees including the CCP, Pre-Trial, and Proposition 47 Working Groups. In conjunction with the Director of Human Resources, I brought in an expert on Retention for an Executive Briefing.
I established a working relationship with the Department of Social Services JOBS program resulting to date in two persons working in our Office at no cost to our Department as they obtain the job skills necessary for their future employment.
I supervised the acquisition of a new Case Management System. I visited half a dozen Public Defender Offices throughout California and traveled to Logan, Utah to evaluate Case Management Systems. I reported to the Public Defender and recommended the purchase of a Case Management System from Journal Technologies. I currently actively participate in the design and implementation of the new Case Management System which went live in July. I organized and hosted an annual Public Defender IT Summit to coordinate and share information about IT issues among Public Defender Offices. Last year the Summit was at the Employee University in Santa Barbara.
After the passage of Proposition 47 in November 2014, I created the protocol or business process for handling the Petitions in the Santa Barbara Office. I have personally handled over 300 Petitions in Court. The Office has handled over 1800 Petitions since passage. I participate in a state wide Proposition 47 defense workgroup and regularly disseminate current information and case law. I organized a community forum about Proposition 47. I have participated with a Los Angeles Community Based Organization in staffing two Proposition 47 clinics in Santa Barbara. I have presented to an audience of job developers on Proposition 47 leading to collaboration with the Department of Social Services JOBS program to place no cost trainees in our Office. I represented the Office in the multi-agency Proposition 47 workgroup with regular reports to the Board of Supervisors.
I actively worked on our budget with the Public Defender and Business Manager. authoring the language of our expansion request for attorneys and reviewed statutes, rules and statistics justifying same. I authored an expansion request to the CCP Executive Committee resulting in the addition of a residential treatment program transporter.
I set up access to trainings web cast from the San Diego County Public Defender. I brought in private attorneys for DUI and other in office trainings. I coordinated participation and attendance of attorneys to out of office trainings. I recruited, evaluated, interviewed, counseled and supervised interns and law clerks. The interns and law clerks I brought into the Office provided thousands of hours of free legal services.
I established the Office as one of the Sponsors of the Annual Food from the Bar Drive to benefit the Santa Barbara FoodBank. I have collected food donations and coordinated monetary donations, including make my own donations that result in the Office being listed as a Sponsor.
2012 – 2016
In addition to trying three felony cases to a jury, I supervised 16 attorneys and helped supervise the support staff in the Santa Barbara Office. I participated in recruiting new attorneys by being part of two interview panels. I participated in hiring and firing decisions and drafted Employee Performance Reviews. I assigned cases, monitored caseloads, led weekly office meetings, counseled on case strategies and expert retention. I recruited law clerks and interns. I approved vacation requests and ensured that all courtrooms were covered on a daily basis.
1990 – 2012
I handled every type of case and every calendar in every courtroom in the County. I tried approximately 50 jury trials, including two homicide trials, three three-strike jury trials, and 19 violent or serious jury trials. I successfully managed a death penalty team, (mitigation specialist, investigator, junior attorney, secretary, and experts), convincing the District Attorney not to seek death. I drafted and argued writs and appeals before the Court of Appeal. I have handled felonies, arraignments, misdemeanors, mental health and probate conservatorships, child support contempts, and juvenile 300 Child Welfare Services cases.
1987 – 1990
Musick, Peeler & Garrett
1 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 2000
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 629-7600
Position: Associate attorney
Duties: Handled cases and tasks of a junior litigation associate.
1984 – 1987
University of California
Hastings College of Law
Juris Doctorate
1979 – 1984
University of Delaware
Dean’s List — Major: Political Science — Minor: Economics
2018 – PRESENT
Santa Barbara County Bar Association
2016 – 2017
President Elect
Santa Barbara County Bar Association With a Certified Public Accountant, I drafted a $291,000.00 budget and managed over $400,000.00 in assets. As a member of the Executive Committee, I participate in all major decisions affecting the Bar Association and will be President of the Bar Association in 2018.
2014 – 2017
Public Defender IT Summit Organized and hosted annual State Wide Public Defender Office Summit regarding IT and Case Management System issues.
2010 – PRESENT
High School Mock Trial Judge/Scorer Annually participate as a Judge and Scorer in the High School Mock Trial Competition and coordinated Bar donations to the competition.
2006 – 2007
Arbitrator, Santa Barbara County Bar Association 2006, 2010,2012-2017 Participant, Annual Public Defender Management Institute.
2005 – PRESENT
Santa Barbara Teen Court Judge I sit regularly as a Judge and counsel minors not to get involved in the Criminal Justice System. I recently collaborated with the Teen Court Administrator to successfully recruit local attorneys to sever as Judges.
2004 – 2007
Instructor, Santa Barbara College of Law- Criminal Law; Advanced Evidence; Misdemeanor Trial Practice.
2003 – 2018
Instructor, Annual Basic Trials Skills Institute, California Public Defender’s Association Every year, I teach beginning Public Defenders how to try cases at a weeklong seminar. I have secured scholarships for attorneys from my Office to attend this training. This year five new attorneys attended the training on partial scholarships that I secured. 2000-2002 Co-chair for Southern Santa Barbara County Criminal Defense Bar Association

Why Choose
Chambliss Legal
After 27 years with the Santa Barbara County Public Defender in which he rose to the position of Chief Trial Deputy and supervised the Lompoc, Santa Maria and Santa Barbara Offices, Mr. Chambliss, who is the President-Elect of the Santa Barbara County Bar Association, has opened the Law Office of J. Jeff Chambliss serving clients in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. Mr. Chambliss’ extensive experience handling cases throughout Santa Barbara County makes him uniquely qualified to represent clients in conservatorships (Probate and LPS), juvenile (Dependency and Delinquency), and all criminal matters.
If you desire client centered aggressive representation with constant communication and unique experience handling trial cases, please call (805) 895-6782 for a free consultation with J. Jeff Chambliss.
Practice Areas
Record Clearance
Successfully reduced over 300 Felonies to Misdemeanors getting clients released from Prison, off Probation and out of County Jail.
Misdemeanor Judicial Diversion
Recent changes in the law allow the Judge, even over objection of the prosecutor, to divert misdemeanor cases for up to two years.
Drunk Driving (DUI)
You don’t even need to have consumed alcohol to be charged, prescription medication alone or in combination with alcohol can result in a DUI arrest.
Domestic Violence
No type of case is more suitable for pre-filing representation than Domestic Violence cases.
Sex Crimes
I am acutely aware of the seriousness of such charges and the devastating impact they can have on a client’s life.
Alcohol Offenses
Drunk in Public, Minor in Possession of Alcohol, Possession of a Fake ID and Open Container can have serious collateral consequences.
DMV Actions
DMV suspension for medical infirmity, negligent operator points or because you are under the age of 21 and facing a zero tolerance suspension.
Judicial Affairs
I have advised and represented clients under investigation by the Office of Judicial Affairs and understand how stressful the accusation and investigation can be.
Federal Court
The person arrested does not even realize that they are on federal property and will be charged in Federal Court
Juvenile Court
The focus of juvenile court is on the rehabilitation of the child and I view few things in law as more important than limiting the damage a juvenile record can do following someone into their adult life.
Assault Crimes
Even a slight touching if done in anger can be charged as a battery and more serious assault charges can expose a client to state prison for felony conduct.
Mental Health Diversion
If you are charged with a Felony that is due at least in part to a diagnosed mental illness, you may be eligible for Mental Health Diversion for a period of two years.
Penal Code Section 290 Registration Relief
Until two years ago, California was one of only two states requiring lifetime Penal Code Section 290 Registration for any listed sex crime.