(805) 895-6782 jeff@chamblisslegal.com

Assault Crimes

Protecting the Law for 27+ Years

Assault crimes range in severity from misdemeanors to felonies. fn 1 Even a slight touching if done in anger can be charged as a battery and more serious assault charges can expose a client to state prison for felony conduct. I have handled literally hundreds of assault cases ranging from misdemeanors to felonies. I have tried these cases to juries litigating issues such as what is serious or great bodily injury? What is a deadly weapon? Answer: a lot of things that would not normally be considered a deadly weapon such as a pencil! I have used medical experts on these issues and have extensive experience litigating, trying and resolving serious and minor assault cases. Often, such cases go to trial because clients have a right of self-defense or defense of others, I have extensive experience trying such cases to a jury.

fn 1: Misdemeanor Battery (Penal Code Section 242) and Felonies Assault with a Deadly Weapon (Penal Code Section 245 (a)(1), Assault likely to Produce Great Bodily Injury (Penal Code Section 245(a)(4) and Assault causing Serious Bodily Injury (Penal Code Section 243(d) are examples of assault crimes.

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