(805) 895-6782 jeff@chamblisslegal.com

Alcohol Offenses

Protecting the Law
for 27+ Years

Although oftentimes charged as infractions, alcohol related crimes such as Drunk in Public, Minor in Possession of Alcohol, Possession of a Fake ID and Open Container can have serious collateral consequences for someone under the age of 21, primarily a one-year suspension of your privilege to drive.

Frequently, we are successful in persuading the District Attorney not to file charges or if charges are filed persuading the Prosecutor to allow our clients to participate in a program such as the Youth Offender Program that ultimately results in the dismissal of the case.

For clients over 21 Drunk in Public Charges are usually filed as Misdemeanors and in addition to the risk of a criminal conviction there may be collateral employment consequences.  Like minors charged with such crimes, in many cases we are successful in persuading the District Attorney not to file charges or if filed obtaining a dismissal.

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